NILES SANKEY AMA [Destiny 2, Nyan Heroes, Halo]

I see Nyan Heroes is a free-to-play AAA game, but what will the monetization model look like? Will it be a standard battlepass thing with additional cosmetic sets or will there be some pay-to-win or pay-to-unlock content?
Hey VivyanNightingale,

We've been so busy with the "fun" aspect of the game, that we haven't yet worked out the monetization specifics. Regardless, "pay to win" is lame and won't be happening. I expect (at some point) some amount of cosmetic unlockable content, but for now we're trying to build a fun game and community :)
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Do you see Astro Bot as an example of creative risk in this landscape? Do you think it would be wise for the industry to go with more fun projects like these tried-and-tested formula based games?
Hi Eminia.

Yea, Astro Bot looks interesting and I love to see development teams take creative risks and push different approaches to design.

Nyan Heroes is a hero shooter.. but we're also a fairly small studio relative to other action game studios. This allows us to stay fairly agile in our design approach. I think once we can establish a solid foundation, we'll start to branch out and push for more experimental innovation.

I wish I could give more details on some of the features and modes we're currently exploring.. but that'll have to wait for a future update :)
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I want to discuss the matter of extreme realism in games. Right now, gaming is aiming to be extremely photorealistic, a precise imitation of real life. Is gaming supposed to be extra realistic? Or should it aim for just having fun doing dumb and unrealistic things, rather than gunning for extreme realism?
Hey Absalon,

I think there's room for both. Some people really seem to enjoy the hyper-realistic graphics. But I personally am a "doing dumb and unrealistic things" as you put it :LOL: I still value solid art direction.. but games are supposed to be an escape from reality, at least that's how I view it.

We use Unreal Engine 5 for Nyan Heroes. While Unreal allows for the "ultra realistic" graphics, we prefer to have a stylized art direction that compliments the light-hearted tone and ensures the playfield is highly readable for players.
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What has been your favourite project to work on so far, and why?
Hey Adela,

"Nyan Heroes" is the answer, of course :LOL:

Just kidding.. but actually there's some truth to it. I love the team here and I'm proud to be a part of it (seriously). In our current stride, this is the most efficient team I've worked for.. and I'm addicted to efficiency. So I love that aspect.

I have great memories from all games I've worked on.. and I have not-so-great memories from each game. Making games can be fun, but it's also incredibly difficult.

I think the most "fun" I've ever had was being a mission designer on Halo3. It was a magic time at Bungie, and my only responsibility was creating fun game encounters all day, every day. I was also a Halo fanboy, so it was a dream come true to work on Halo!
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