What is your Dream Job now or when you were a kid

Absolutely love metal so I grew up wanting to be in a girly goth metal band but turns out I was better suited to be a 9-5 office HR lmao, playing guitar is still my pasttime tho so the dreams kinda alive
I do not dream of labor.

If I were to be able to pursue my passions on my own schedule that would be something I'd enjoy.
A small video game museum

Just cool stuff from gaming history and legendary high scores so I’d love to just tell stories about gaming past.
Nba player. Now that's a dream i ll never be able to return cuz while I still play basketball, I still got studies to manage and earn enough later to feed my mom and dad and my future family
I wanted to be a comic book illustrator, and now I’m a freelance illustrator and graphic designer. So, it’s kinda close!
Growing up, I had no clue what I wanted to be. All I cared about was having fun with friends and playing video games. Now, I’m a state employee where I do almost nothing all day. It seems fitting enough—show up around 8 am, do nothing for a few hours, and leave by 2 pm.
Jet fighter pilot turned disabled athlete and dedicated volunteer. Plan your life all you want, and some of it might actually happen. But don't be surprised if, by the time you’re in your 30s, you find yourself in completely unexpected territory. Getting exactly where you planned to be is actually the exception rather than the rule.
I went from wanting to be a paleontologist, to an astronaut, then a Marine, and later an engineer. Now, I just want to be employed!
I originally wanted to be a Disney animator, but now I’m a rare art book dealer. I’ve made some compromises, and my new goal is to become a Disney historian!
When I was little, I wanted to be a cat, but I eventually realized that wasn’t going to happen. Then, around age 7, I decided I wanted to be an English teacher. Now, I’m starting my second year of an English degree at university and planning to do a teaching degree after that, fingers crossed!
As a kid, I dreamed of being a racecar driver or traveling the world as an international businessman. Now, I’m at the end of a conveyor belt, putting sticks of butter into boxes.
I wanted to be a teacher, but as an adult, I’ve realized I’m terrible at teaching others, and I’m not too fond of other people’s kids either.
I always wanted to work with animals, and now I work in a pet hotel, so I’m pretty happy with how things turned out!
I wanted to be a pro gamer when I was younger, and that would still be great now, except for the stress that comes with it. I’d probably be better off as a Twitch streamer.
As a kid, I loved playing in the dirt, collecting rocks, and wanted to study geology from a young age. My interests eventually expanded to Egyptology and dinosaurs, leading me to paleontology. Now, I’m an archaeologist!
I wanted to be a singer, then a doctor, and later a lawyer. I graduated from college this December and am now a real estate appraiser trainee. I needed to earn money and save up so my fiancé and I can start a life together—he’s also working and saving. I still want to be a lawyer, though.
I wanted to be a director or content producer. Now, I work in TV listings and dabble in production as a hobby, so I’m not too far from the mark. :)