The Outlast Trials AMA

Predictions I have for future trials

New trial for coyle (a prison environment already have a police station and courthouse map makes sense to round it up with a prison map)

New trial for gooseberry (there’s dialogue in the game where gooseberry says to futterman-do you ever feel like we’re not at home- to which he says-what are you talking about? We’re in the studio we’re in the magic of television- basically it make sense to have a trial like environment in the form of a studio like there back making there tv show for the children)

New trial for Franco (honestly wouldn’t really know where to take him next but maybe somewhere to explore his more man baby side of himself then his Italian gangster side)

Predictions for future mk challenges

Title name (Educate the children)
Objective (swap out the film reels like you do in the main trial itself)
Environment (seeing how y’all remix the maps up in the mks it only make sense to have the classrooms accessible in it seeing how in the previous mks for the orphanage there’s no access to the classrooms apart from being accessible in the main trial itself so make sense at this point to make that area of the map accessible along with maybe adding in a new area or so that wasn’t in the main trial itself plus in foster the orphans the beginning portion you can actually see a little bit into the classrooms through a few windows so I do believe a new mk of this idea will be coming soon)

Fun park
Title name (don’t have one yet)
Objective (maybe have a mk of following and turning valves of the correct pipes like you do in the main trial itself or something completely different)
Environment (probably have it take place in the root canal again like in drill the futterman)

Toy factory
Title name (don’t have one yet)
Objective (this is one i haven’t really thought much of but maybe have a mk centered around making a s*x toy kinda like what you do in the main trial itself but more divert or something completely different)
Environment( have it take place in the main factory itself like in shut down the factory)

The docks
Title name (Distribute the medicine)
Objective (at the end of the main trial of this map you take little drug packages that take up your inventory slots and hide them inside the 2 men that you kill an idea I’ve had is similar to cancel the autopsy is you have to take the drug packages and store them inside dead body’s but not just any dead body that you see specific ones, ones that have symbols on them on all of them and if you accidentally try put one inside the wrong body you’d get psychosis Ik in cancel the autopsy you get shocked and take damage when your looking for the right corpse to find the keys and in a few other trials idk if you ever get psychosis in any of the others but if not that be an idea for this new mk I had in mind basically it be kinda similar to cancel the autopsy but instead of searching for the right corpse to get the keys from you’d be searching the right corpse to put the small packages of drugs to put into plus maybe we can get a little bit more graphic on where you’d be storing the drugs into like instead of through the head or torso maybe few other areas too)
Environment (have it take place around the ship and possibly inside it to remixing that area up a bit with maybe unexplored areas that wasn’t accessible in the main trial itself)
You guys have done a great job with the game and continue to do so. One question I have about cosmetics (specifically limited time ones) is do you plan on re adding any old limited time event cosmetics or implementing a future system for those limited time cosmetics? For example maybe a system where limited time cosmetics including the old ones shift each 2 weeks like toxic shock would be offered in one week then it'll automatically pick another cosmetic bundle like winter kills etc and players will have a certain amount of time for it until it shifts to the next limited event cosmetic offer which they would have to wait for it to come back after it is done shifting around cosmetic bundles. Basically something for old and new cosmetics that would give players more chances to be able to obtain things they missed out on for whatever reason.
hopefully I get a response, I know I’m unfortunately late but I still have a few questions.

How long is support going to be for this game? I know nothing lasts forever but I’d be nice to get another roadmap.

Are there going to be server fixes? The game is incredibly laggy at times and it only seemed to appear (for me at least) after the Bambino Update?

Are you going to be adding new Prime Assets and Expop to the game? Or do we have the whole roster already.

Would there be a chance for some merch? I’d be so cool to see that, I’d definitely buy it. Also are there going to be more vinyls?

Last question I promise, how does one get into level design and writing for RB? I have a lot of ideas I’d like to share and I’d be really cool to be apart of it all. (Hopefully you hold a contest for people to submit ideas, I’d be a dream come true to see a map I made in the game)

That’s all thank you RB for a fantastic game, please keep going and updating, the Outlast series are my favorite horror games of all time!
Lore Question: what’s happening in the rest of the world? Are there any programs similar to the trials in other countries such as Russia? Are the trials still happening in the modern day?
Hi, I have two questions.
Is it possible that you are going to make a specific program for MK challenges ?
because it is a lot of content it’s only available in the new game mode.

Will you kindly add achievement in epic games store? in the first two games

thank you so much for this amazing games❤️.
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I'm a big sucker for immersion
will there ever be a time where you guys will add the option to disable prompts like you did in the first two games?
and also make the crosshair open up when you hover over an interactable like in the first two games?
and another thing could we have the ability to holster an item like we did in the closed beta?
sorry for so many questions at once but it's the only thing i'd see myself changing about this game because otherwise i think it's perfect
hello Alex and Phil! Before asking you my question, I wanted to congratulate you and your entire team on The Outlast Trials which is an incredible game, and which will continue to grow in the future, so thank you. Now I'm going to ask you my question.

I wanted to know about a Character from the Outlast Trials story. Are you going to put Prescott Whitehorn as a Prime Asset in the game. Or has Whitehorn been removed from the game permanently?
Will the General Ex-Pop in The Outlast Trials get more unique weapons like hammers, baseball bats, crowbars, etc? Besides the General Ex-Pop having Machetes and Claw Weapons all the time.
Will you ever make a streamer mode to cover nudity? It’ll make it easier to stream and could introduce the game to new people
Will there be more of the Big Grunts especially the brown-haired one ? He appears often in earlier trailers as well teasers back before Early Access. Not to mention he is well-loved in among some fans 🥺
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Will Red Barrels produce their own Outlast/ Whistleblower movie and/or Outlast 2 movie? Has Red Barrels ever considered producing their own TV Series for The Outlast Trials?