Leak The Elder Scrolls VI Is Allegedly Titled ‘Hammerfell’, Features Naval Battles & Shipbuilding


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  • In a new video on his YouTube channel, known insider and content creator eXtas1s shared that The Elder Scrolls VI is titled ‘Hammerfell’
  • The insider further mentioned that The Elder Scrolls VI will feature maritime exploration. Apparently, the game will allow players to build ships and set sail, much like how spaceship could be built in Starfield for space travel.
  • According to the content creator, there is also talk of The Elder Scrolls VI featuring a settlement-building and customization system.
  • The game may also feature fortresses, similar to the settlements in Fallout 4, only more developed and adapted to today’s standards.
  • Regarding the progression system, the leaks suggest that it will be more flexible, moving away from traditional classes and allowing for a more natural character evolution. Dragons may also make their return in The Elder Scrolls VI. However, in comparison to Skyrim, they will play a more prominent role in the story and gameplay.

Yikes. Blackflag was fun and all but that was ~12 years go and I have zero interest in anything ship related since then. Ships just aren't my thing
Hopefully the quality is beyond starfield, hoping for a 2012 level game at least! Please Bethesda, just evolve one year ahead