Share Your Biggest Regrets In Life [Discussion]

Being too lost in love as a teenager in highschool
Young love is crazy, you seek the attention and need from others so badly, it ends up corrupting yo for the rest of your life, I'm not to blame either, seeking love isn't a bad thing but sinking in it too much destroyed me back then

happily married now thank God
Not spending enough time with my mom, my only best friend, you don't realize the love of your parents when you take them for granted
By the time you realize, its too late or you struggle to find time for them
My dad gave me the responsibility of being the man of the house after he passed away a few years back, I didn't so much of a good job leading that for my mom and brothers and sisters but I regret not being strong enough to replace him
Not being able to spend alot of time with my grandma, to anyone else reading this, please make sure to spend as much as time possible
U ll learn so much from their rich wisdom and way of life