As a player who's suffered through a Hermit run, thanks for doing this!
First, I think these are the most outstanding bugs that most players encounter regularly:
1. The community has complained about this for years: finding the last NPCs is extremely tedious and can take longer than the actual level does. The "Search and Secure" command is often broken, with officers assigned to it getting lost or simply standing still. Many players (including me) have not even seen the trailer units at work months after they were implemented. Is there a reason why rescuing all the civilians is mandatory for soft complete when SWAT units aren't usually in charge of this duty in real life? If so, is anything being done to fix this?
2. SWAT AI pathfinding breaks on larger maps like Relapse or Hide and Seek. Officers get stuck and don't respond to commands or react to the environment (for example, yelling at the player to get out of the way instead of taking two steps to walk around them). Any plans to address this?
For other questions:
1. Props to Void for paying out bounties for UE5 open source modding tools. Has this made RON easier to mod? Does the planned modding SDK include only level design tools or more access to the underlying engine and mechanics?
2. Ragdolls often glitch out and/or clip in to the world geometry, and NPCs clones are often seen on the same map. Will this be fixable by the devs or by modders?
3. Is there a reason why the hotel and the hospital levels are so dark in some areas?
4. As other posters have stated, Commander Mode is very shallow and for a campaign the levels aren't even in chronological order. Any plans to add some depth to the squad members or other features of that mode (revives, xp, more squad/weapon progression options, etc)?
5. In a game about room clearing, human officers and suspects/civilians can still open doors telepathically. Is there a plan for more advanced environment interaction (e.g. a
system like Advanced Warfare) or at least a left hand animation (e.g. Tarkov, Outlast Trials, or most games)?