Ready or Not Devs - AMA

The replay feature desperately needs to be fixed. It was perfect before. Is it something that the devs are also concerned about and prioritizing now that the DLC has been released?
After the Home Invasion DLC, what's the next thing that VOID wants to focus on? And how long until we can expect the next major update? If you guys can answer that would appreciate it!
can you improve the damage numbers for ALL semi-auto pistols? i swear sometimes i hit targets 6 or 7 times before they go down.
for the revolver, can players just get an adjustable slider for fire speed? irl revolvers shoot MUCH MUCH faster than the in game revolver. feels like whoever designed revolver fire speed hates revolvers. should be able to shoot 6 rounds in in 2-3 seconds.
also requesting faster fire times for the pump action shotgun. the gun WILL fire faster if the user pumps the action faster (making the weapon ready to fire quicker), its just the player character moving painfully slow.
can you give players the option to customize the amount of enemies on a map? a lot of players used mods to add a hundred suspects, it was a lot of fun.
can we get the option for waaaaay more slots? and a quick deploy key for AI squadmates to throw a flashbang or CS gas.
can we get the option to change AI squads specific talents/squad effects? and the option for players to turn off AI stress. its a cool gimmick but it gets old fast.
and finally, can we get the different modes from before for all maps? hostage situation, defuse the bomb, active shooter. can you add the option to all maps to have door traps? and an option for players to select how heavily armed and armored suspects will be.

its a long list i know. thank you for your time.
Hi there!

First off, let me just say: Thanks for creating one of the best gunplay-systems in the tactical shooter genre. It's been a blast.

As much as I want to ask about gameplay features and revisions you plan on introducing, I thought I'd ask about something I haven't seen a lot of other players ask about:


1. I have nothing against the high-speed, modern options for plate carrier systems and head-borne stuff currently in the game, as a matter of fact, I'm glad you went that route and included things like the Crye AVS and FCPC as options for us to use, but why haven't you introduced some of the older assets used in trailers and promotional material for player-use? Things like the old heavy armor, Ops Core XP, and MICH 2000's with comtacs are seen in promotional material, but scarcely, if at all, in the game.

(S.W.A.T. Officers not in D-Platoon just outside the precinct wearing aforementioned kit)

2. Do you guys plan on adding modularity cosmetics? I.E: Magazine pouches change according to what weapon your using, or possibly even reworking second-line equipment (plate carriers/vests, belt/webbing) into actual plate/soft-armor coverage and load capacity?

3. Clipping

(Ballistic Mandible/Mask is the most egregious example.)

(Doesn't fit on Team Wendy, or ARC rails. It is also noticeably misaligned from center of goggles and helmet)



It. Is. Everywhere!

Some level of model-clipping is inevitable; I totally get that, but the worst of it has been in the 1.0 release for a long time now. Chances are you guys already know about this stuff, but how far up on the totem pole of, "Things to fix/implement" is this sort of thing?

Thanks for reading!
During the current climate of the games industry, would you recommend aspiring devs to into game development or pursue other programming fields?

If yes, then would you say its better to join small indie team/publishers or giant AAA teams?