Games that you you keep coming back to


for me its Devil May Cry 5, Resident evil 4. and Metal Gear Rising. Every once in a while or a year I revisit these games. The replaybility and the crunchy action is unmatched for me. Games that are like these for you?
it has to be minecraft for me and my boys. we have never defeated the ender dragon in any playthrough but we always come back to this game to start a new world and then leave it in a month or two
GTA V, i finished this game way back when it came on my ps4 and played Online a lot on my PC. Now none of my friends play online but I still come back to the game from time to time. even if I don't have anything to do I just roam around in los santos. Man I know those streets better then my hometown.
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I like to jump into Detroit every now and then. The game has so many endings, it's crazy. I always make different choices each time I play, and I'm blown away by how well this game is put together. When I replay a scenario, the dialogue and reactions never feel like I made a different decision, and it creates a whole new path.
Suggest me if you know any similar game cuz I really want more of this
I can't stop playing Hollow Knight. The world is just so beautifully made, and the gameplay is tough but totally fair. There's always something new to learn or find
i have never replayed any of the new games. Once the main story ends or when I don't feel like completing it. i leave it but there are some old classics that I like to revisit like the OG Silent Hill 2 and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time.
I revisit Suikoden 2 from time to time.

As for League of Legends, it's more like I never truly leave—no matter what, it always pulls me back in.
Command & Conquer Generals, especially with the Rise of The Reds mod, is my go-to whenever I'm feeling bored. The mod adds a ton of extra content that keeps the game fresh and engaging.
I really enjoy the wintertime NYC setting in The Division. Sometimes, I just like exploring and hunting down bosses. I've also begun replaying the story because I find it genuinely interesting.
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I like to jump into Detroit every now and then. The game has so many endings, it's crazy. I always make different choices each time I play, and I'm blown away by how well this game is put together. When I replay a scenario, the dialogue and reactions never feel like I made a different decision, and it creates a whole new path.
Suggest me if you know any similar game cuz I really want more of this

id suggest you to play Telltale games, the ones I have tried and like are The walking Dead, Batman TellTale series and Wolf among us, I'm pretty sure you'll like these as well
I don't play games again cuz I don't feel as much anxious or interested once I have ended it because then the game becomes predictable, but whenever there are remakes or remasters, I do play them like the RE series remakes are good but the top spot for me has to shadow of Colossus. I played this game on my elder brothers PS2 when i was small and the remake really took me back in time like defeating Avion was so hard back in the day and brother helped me defeat him.
for me its Devil May Cry 5, Resident evil 4. and Metal Gear Rising. Every once in a while or a year I revisit these games. The replaybility and the crunchy action is unmatched for me. Games that are like these for you?
dude same I always return to Resident Evil 4. The atmosphere, gameplay, and sense of dread are just perfect. Even though I know the story, it’s still a thrill to play through it. I played the original as well and the remake is just chefs kiss.
Roguelikes are definitely my thing. The endless replayability due to random generation and ongoing challenge keeps me hooked. Isaac and Spelunky used to be my favorites, but I've recently gotten into Gungeon and can’t seem to put it down. It looks like it’ll be a new favorite.
I tend to take long breaks between sessions with FF12, but since it came out in 2006, I always find myself coming back to it. Plus, it's set to release on the Switch later this year.

And then there are all the Street Fighter games—always a favorite.
Here are some of my favorites: Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4; Borderlands 2; Minecraft; Skyrim; Oblivion; Star Wars Battlefront 2; Star Wars KOTOR 1 and 2; and the Halo Master Chief Collection.