Windmill not working in Manor Lords

Encountering another bug in this game where the Windmill wont generate flour even though its ready with the required grain for threshing, if someone can plz state any known fixes would appreciate it alot
Did you try repositioning the Windmill again? The game can be a little finicky when it comes to the structures so Id say you should move or reposition the windmill once to see if starts generating flour again
I mean it should work as long as you generate wheat into grain first, wait it for it to be transported to the windmill but if it still doesn't try demolishing the building and checking the efficiency when rebuilding it
You need the farmhouse building which turns the wheat to grain, then it goes to the windmill to then into flour
Yo, I had the same issue with the Windmill not generating flour! Super frustrating, right? But I found a fix that worked for me:
  1. Try restarting the game, sometimes a fresh start can resolve the issue.
  2. Check if your grain storage is full, if it is, the Windmill won't process the grain. Clear some space and try again.
  3. Make sure your Windmill is upgraded to the latest level, that might solve the problem.
  4. If none of the above works, try demolishing and rebuilding the Windmill. That's what I did and it started working again
Note: These fixes are based on common issues and may not work for everyone. If the issue persists, it's best to report it to the game developers for further assistance.