Which season do you like the most and why?

Growing up it was spring, nowadays it’s autumn, ig it really is popular judging from the replies here damn
Has the blend of cool and dry at the same time
Fall is a great time when temperatures drop, but it's not freezing yet. There are big food holidays, my birthday, and it's finally time to bring out the jackets and sweaters. I can enjoy hot coffee without sweating through it because it's not 102 degrees outside. Texas summers are the worst.
I prefer winter because it's dark and cold, and coming from the far north, I'm more accustomed to it. Summers in Sweden are almost unbearable due to the high humidity. Even though it's only around 25-30 degrees Celsius, the steaminess makes it feel much hotter.
Season 2 of The Wire is great.

To answer your question, I prefer autumn, especially early autumn. The days are still pleasant, but there's a refreshing crispness in the air.
I enjoy autumn weather because I can wear flannel and I love the orange, yellow, and red hues of the changing leaves.
I like both spring and fall. Spring brings warmth and blooming flowers, while fall offers cool, crisp air and beautiful changing leaves.
Spring is my favorite. The temperatures are usually comfortable, and it's exciting to see if the plants I put in the ground last year are still alive. Although I didn't plant much last year, I did grow some apple trees from seeds and I'm eager to see how they recover after their first winter (which is now, since I'm in the southern hemisphere).
I enjoy autumn for the changing leaves, the absence of bugs and tourists, and its cool, crisp beauty. It’s pleasant and picturesque without the harshness of winter or the intensity of summer.
Autumn is my favorite, which might be basic, but a lot of people share my preference. I really enjoy the cold weather, and since winters in Texas can be unexpectedly chilly, fall serves as a nice middle ground.
I actually like all the seasons, including winter. The brutally cold days in winter make me appreciate summer, and the scorching heat of summer makes me value winter even more.
Spring used to be my favorite, but since graduating high school, I've come to love Autumn. To me, Autumn is nearly perfect. The vibrant red, orange, and yellow leaves are beautiful, the temperatures are mild (not as warm as spring), and there are no mosquitoes or pesky flies. It’s the time of year when I feel most comfortable outdoors.
I prefer winter. I've always enjoyed the cold weather, and if I had to choose between living in Antarctica or Australia, I'd definitely pick Antarctica. Christmas isn't a big factor for me, despite the constant play of "All I Want for Christmas." I just love everything about the cold—its nature, appearance, and the animals that thrive in it. It's truly beautiful.
I love spring with the sun returning and everything starting to grow. Although I live in Ohio, where spring seems to show up sporadically. We experience intense winters—one day it's snowing, and the next it's 70 degrees. And then we have summer, too.
I prefer winter because I enjoy the snow and cold weather. I'm also nostalgic about the season, especially with Christmas and all the memories it brings.
Fall is my favorite. I love the crisp, cool air and how it feels just right—not too cold or too hot. Plus, the delicious foods that come with the season are a real treat.