What's the creepiest thing you've seen on the Internet?

I saw a fucked up video of a beheading where the person's skin was removed from their neck while they were still alive and aware, sitting in a chair.
There’s a LiveLeak video of a young girl, probably around 16 or 17, who repeatedly apologized before hanging herself from a tree.

...And the footage continued for about an hour or so, even as it grew dark. It's incredibly heartbreaking and disturbing stuff man
Ig my ex boyfriend who started immediately flirting with one of my best friends after our breakup? XD
Thats the creepiest shit I've seen on the internet so yea
I remember watching a video of some guys getting decapitated with a chainsaw. As I scrolled down, I noticed ads for places near where I lived.
I’m not sure if this can be classified as creepy per se, but it was definitely weird and DISGUSTING. During lockdown, after about an hour of browsing Omegle, I actually saw a guy having sex with a dog. It scarred me more than the first time a "friend" showed me porn when I was 9.
There was this guy who ate a woman and got off scot-free after being moved back to Japan, where his trial was dismissed. He even claimed he plans to do it again. He’s written a book detailing how he did it, describing what she tasted like, and even giving instructions on how to cook each body part to make it taste "amazing."
I wouldn’t call it the creepiest thing I’ve seen, but recently I came across hundreds, maybe thousands, of people on YouTube claiming that drones have been tracking them for months or even years. Many of these accounts feature videos of the supposed drones, and it looks like some were created just to share these videos and figure out who’s following them and why.
About 10 years ago, I was really into Omegle. One day, I logged on and instead of connecting with a random person, I got a full 5-minute trailer for A Serbian Film. That definitely shook me up for a while, lol.
Just wanted to say, there’s no way I’m reading this list. I don’t think my psyche can handle it. I’m moving on before I accidentally see anything.
The image that really haunts me is the one of a slave or indentured worker staring at the hand and foot that were cut off his young daughter because he didn’t harvest enough rubber.
I saw a video recently, I think from a prison in Brazil, where gang members killed a rival and beat the back of his skull in. They then reached into the back of his head and pulled his brains out piece by piece. It was absolutely wild.
Some Discord users post CP "as a joke." In one server where I was an admin (it was a dark joke server where pretty much anything goes), I’ve never banned someone so quickly in my life. The guy even had the nerve to DM me, acting like he was the victim and accusing me of being biased in my moderation. Man, fuck off with that.
Recently on Reddit, a video showing the torture and castration of a Ukrainian soldier by a Russian soldier has been making the rounds. It’s incredibly graphic, horrifying, and tragic.
Cops had been chasing a guy on foot, and he tried to jump over an overpass to clear a metal fence with spikes on top. One of the spikes impaled him in the back of the head. His head, with dreadlocks, was left on the spike, while his body ended up on the other side of the fence. It turns out a cop released the photo and got in trouble for it. That image was haunting.
Funkytown, coldnessinmyheart on Tumblr, and most videos where intruders are caught on camera in a home all those have stuck with me. There’s also this one video of a guy jumping off a bridge with friends. He hits a concrete slab, and it cuts to blood in the water, then to footage of doctors trying to piece together his split face and skull like a broken coconut.
Living in the early days of the internet was a wild experience, with almost no filters or safe search options. I came across videos of people being beheaded, others taking their own lives, and even footage of serial killers dismembering bodies. Real "fun" stuff.
I’ll never forget that old clip of the black woman teaching makeup, who suddenly starts hitting her forehead on her laptop and desk. The video shows her skull and flesh getting severely damaged, and it’s something that has stayed with me.
I happened to be watching Facebook Lives just when the Christchurch shootings were being streamed from the murderer’s van. I don’t remember the details clearly, as my mind might be blocking them out, but I think the first victim was welcoming him into the mosque and even tried to hug him.