Jakelmoss Master Aug 30, 2024 #21 My goat had everyone crying and punching the air when they were kids AND DID IT AGAIN AS ADULTS AGGGGHHH
My goat had everyone crying and punching the air when they were kids AND DID IT AGAIN AS ADULTS AGGGGHHH
Roxas Veteran Aug 30, 2024 #22 Xemnas from KH2, 100 percent the most iconic boss fights in JRPG history tbh, his entire final fight is just grandeur at its finest Plus the ending of KH2 itself man, I love this franchise so much
Xemnas from KH2, 100 percent the most iconic boss fights in JRPG history tbh, his entire final fight is just grandeur at its finest Plus the ending of KH2 itself man, I love this franchise so much