What game you thought you'd like and ended up disliking?

Bayonetta 3
I loved Bayonetta 2 sooo damn much man, both the firstand second game action game behemoths but 3 came after such a long wait and ruined everything that I hoped for, I enjoyed it but damn man I disliking it the more the honeymoon period passed which is just sad
Viola is not a good character and I ofc did not enjoy that horrible multiverse story and its asspulls
Helldivers 2. The entire internet seemed so in love with it.

But it’s just a 4 person coop shooter nothing fancy shmancy in it IMO
Not to mention it’s more repetitive than COD
I bought Elden Ring thinking itd be a great entryway for me into the Souls genre until I realized how meh it was man, was the case for me where I just didn't connect with the game or its exploring nature

Thank God I had my buddy who helped me carry through the game so I could at least get my moneys worth out of it but I still disliked it overall despite how good the endgame bosses were