What do you do during all-nighters

If I have friends over, I can play Truth or Dare. Fun fact: people tend to be more honest at night, so who knows what they might admit? MUHAHAHA. Or, I might get really delirious and come up with some wild and hilarious dares.
Either a video game or binge watching a show that's getting really good. It happens so rarely for me though, like maybe once or twice a year when I know I have nothing to do the next day.
Well it was only a few times back then in college because of a few grueling assignments that I had to turn in the next day, so I just drink coffees all night and read my books
Tell scary stories--go to the scary story forums
Or just watch some scary mockumentary horror movies together off of Tubi or some shit
I used to play Death Stranding all night, got hooked on it so much
aside from video games its either that or just watch movies and shows ig
I just boot up any single player game honestly, like uncharted or skyrim. You don't need to communicate with anyone, you are alone with your thoughts in the night and engaged with the game.
Insomnia often leaves me with just four hours of sleep every two days. Most of the time, I just end up feeling exhausted and pass the time playing low-intensity games. I used to be able to play back-to-back matches in Smite and COD, but when you're already worn out from work, staying up all night playing those games feels like torture.

Honestly, all-nighters are usually just boring for me
Cards against humanity is super fun! You can print the game out for free on their website.
My besties and I do sleepovers and play that and its hilarious asf
Watch anime. This is mainly what I did. I’d either find new ones I hadn’t seen yet or look for entirely new ones. If it gets to the later hours and I get delirious, it can turn the most serious anime into a comedy. If anime isn’t my thing, I can do the same with movies, TV shows, YouTube videos—really anything!
Literally same, I just turn on anime or tv shows I haven't watched
If REALLY sleepy I ll start watching long Youtube essays or podcasts to sleep to lol
I usually just work on game ideas until I'm tired. Whether its problem solving or drawing out story board.

Half the time right now. After finishing my university course, my sleep pattern is wack...
Play games, draw, watch youtube videos. I end up getting a lot done from my hobbies perspective actually too.
I finished my first playthrough of doom eternal during an all nighter xd
I usually just sit around thinking about how badly I don't want the morning to come
Truly living out Bocchi from Bocchi the Rock (plz watch it)
Any Final Fantasy or Legend of Zelda game, and The Sims if I get carried away in build mode

That or I just turn on Elden Ring when I ve got nothing else and do some PVP in the Coliseum
I pull 3-4 all nighters per week because I have sleep problems
So I just usually play some Destiny 2 or watch some anime
Beat Box Battle! It’s a cool name for blasting music or using headphones and dancing around your room. I’m serious—it’s a lot of fun and works best when no one’s around to witness your dance moves.
Ughhh this isn't the 2000s my guy
Either babysit my ridiculous drunk friends online or IRL and make sure they get safely home
Or just watch some shows movies and play some games on my PS5 because the keyboard on my PC might disturb my parents in the other room
Host a caffeine party with my friends or even cousins!

We gather a variety of Mountain Dew and different energy drinks, then mix and match to see how many you can down in one night. It’s also fun to turn it into a drinking game—just with caffeine instead!
Well it used to be play a fuck ton of COD zombies with the boys all night but now its just me doing solos in warzone or just playing multiplayer by myself and will be in the new black ops too sadly because everyone else moved on
I like to try new outfit combinations from my wardrobe, any new skirts or onesies that I bought or jeans that'd go good with my top, its that or just watch shows or movies