What do you do during all-nighters


Nights where you cant sleep or decide not to sleep, what activities do you. Also keep that one activity that people usually do at night to yourself. dont want the thread riddled with one answer
tips , activities you all would like to share?
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Find a new show and actually watch it. The rule is to watch the entire episode instead of just the first few minutes before switching channels. Start with the first episode of something on Netflix or Hulu. If you don’t completely hate it by the end of the episode, you can binge it for the rest of the night and might end up obsessed. That’s what happened with me and The Good Place.
! If you find that spending a whole night watching an OTT series or engaging in something creative or competitive is important to you, go for it. As long as it’s just an occasional thing and doesn’t disrupt your routine, it’s perfectly fine.
Video games are great, but when daylight comes, maybe give some friends a call to catch up and see how they’re doing?
Listen to a podcast. When I was home-schooled, it used to keep me awake. My favorite was High Orbit by Mathew Ebel, which isn’t active anymore, but he still releases albums occasionally. You should be able to find his entire series on his website!
Gaming is ideal at this time, unless you’re a screamer, in which case it might not be. I’m lucky that my room is a quiet den—so quiet, in fact, that I could be murdered here and nobody would know! Maybe not the best scenario.
Beat Box Battle! It’s a cool name for blasting music or using headphones and dancing around your room. I’m serious—it’s a lot of fun and works best when no one’s around to witness your dance moves.
I don’t see why you’d want to pull an all-nighter, but if you do, keep yourself engaged with games and activities. Avoid watching a movie, though, as that might make you more likely to fall asleep.
Lay down and look at the ceiling fan. I used to do this for hours when I was younger. I’d also lie on the kitchen floor to calm down. It might sound silly, but it helps pass the time and can be great for clearing your mind.
Have some energy drinks if you don’t mind them. I prefer Monster, though they can be pretty pricey sometimes.

Also, movies are a great option.
Studying is another great option. Believe me, nighttime is perfect for reviewing and going over your study material. The quiet and minimal noise, with everyone else asleep, creates a focused environment that helps you cover more material in less time.
I suggest bingeing Galavant, The Neighbors, Community, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and The Good Place! Most of these have only two seasons, and you can find some on Hulu and others on Netflix. All of them are highly enjoyable.
Make a playlist using Spotify, YouTube, iTunes, Google Play, or whatever you prefer. The only rule is that the playlist can’t include any songs you already know or like. You can even create themed playlists if you want to make it more challenging. I have a work-in-progress playlist imagining what it would be like if my life were a musical.
I can stay up all night on my own whenever I’ve got a good game to play. No caffeine or exercise needed. Honestly, I do it way too often.
Read an exciting or scary book. These types of books can keep you up all night, either by making you wonder if something thrilling might happen to you or by giving you a good scare for the future.
I usually just game. Once you start pulling all-nighters, an hour flies by and doesn’t feel long at all.
That depends on what kind of all-nighter you’re referring to. If it’s a drinking one, you’d be going out to different places and bars. If it’s an all-nighter with your boyfriend or girlfriend, it might involve spending the night together, focusing on intimacy and connection.
Watch anime. This is mainly what I did. I’d either find new ones I hadn’t seen yet or look for entirely new ones. If it gets to the later hours and I get delirious, it can turn the most serious anime into a comedy. If anime isn’t my thing, I can do the same with movies, TV shows, YouTube videos—really anything!