Steam Summer Sale 2024 Recommendations Thread

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Saints Row 2 aged like fine wine for me, love playing it every now and then to have dumb fun
Its like 2 bucks on Steam rn for me in my store
Duude SR2 is goated, one of the most fun games ever
I loved SR3 too but this had a league of a vibe on its own

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What are you even doing with your life if you haven't played JET SET RADIO

Ayoo actually forgot to check this out if it dropped in sale, thanks
JSR is fucking rad, I wanna see what Sega cooks up with the new revival project of this game

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anyways my recommendation is Borderlands 2
Aged perfectly and easily the greatest coop games to play with your friends
Bandai Namco games rarely every go on sale. Pick this up while you have the chance. For 40$ you'll get to experience whats possibly the best RPG of the decade.image_2024-07-01_065643396.png

if you haven't tried it out yet, now is possibly the best time. You are getting once in a lifetime trilogies for this price. Barware's peak and you may not get this opportunity again PICK IT UP I BEG YOU ALL>

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Reactions: Aztecloud
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Highly recommend Tekken 8. It's available at a huge 43% discount right now, so totally worth the buy.
Orrr you can get the better fighting game for 30 bucks too

A few of my random recommendations based on what I loved playing and have amazing prices on sale:

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Whats stopping u from copping the best gaming comebacks since No Mans Sky
Cyberpunk with the DLC at that price is easily the best games to buy on the summer sale no questions asked
Bioshock collection is GOATed, one of the best shooters I ve ever played with an unparalleled vibe