Skyrim Alchemy Recipes [Need Suggestions]

I know I am a decade late on this put I am wondering what kind of recipes can make in Skyrim. A breif overview and list will be helpful.
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If you use melee weapons Blue Mountain Flower is all you need as it aids with Fortify and Healing. And if you are a magic user make sure to get some Red Mountain Flower as well.
Blue Mountain and Purple Mountain are must have. One for health other for staimna regen. The former provides fortification as well.
On e tip i'd like to give is use hawk feathers instead of making a cure disease potion. You can find the feathers near Bleak Falls Barrow.
I use a fortify destruction potion made from glowing mushrooms and nightshade all the time. In the late game, when lots of enemies resist spells and enchantments, this potion really makes a difference
Some potion recipes lose their usefulness over time. Take fortify stamina, for instance: it’s great, but since you can use a single Wine for a power attack, it becomes less essential. I hardly bother with restore stamina potions for this reason. With booze being so plentiful, it’s not worth the effort to craft potions using alchemical ingredients that are much harder to come by.
Luna Moth Wing, Vampire Dust. Grants invisibility for 100 seconds, health regenerates 125% faster for 300 seconds.
I am sure there are plenty of sites that provide a comprehensive list. not sure if forum is the right place to ask.
For actual use:

  • Canis Root + Imp Stool + Mora Tapinnella = Paralysis and Lingering Health Damage
  • Death Bell + River Betty = Slow + lots of health damage (like twice what most other Death Bell potions'll give)
  • Wheat + Blue Mountain Flower = Restore Health + Fortify Health
  • Honeycomb + Tundra Cotton/Slaughterfish Scales + Beehive Husk/Luna Moth Wing/Skeever Tail = Fortify Block + Fortify Light Armor
  • Snowberries + Thistle/Purple Mountain Flowers + Bone Meal/elf ear/Fly Amanita = Resist Frost & Fire (other sources of both elements to combine with Snowberries, but those're the most common)
For leveling Alchemy:

  • Creep Cluster + Mora Tapinnella + Scaly Pholiota = most expensive (and thus the most XP) you can make from growable ingredients (conveniently, the Hearthstone houses have 11 garden spots outside: 3 each Creep & Scaly and 5 Mora to make 15 potions every harvest)
  • Giant's Toe + Wheat + Creep Cluster/Wisp Wrappings = most valuable potion to make

For Combat I recommend going for the following options

Poison of Paralysis -Canimora (Canis Root, Imp Stool, Mora Tapinella)

-Potion of Cure Disease (doesn't count, but I buy these from alchemy shops)

-Potion of Fortify Marksman (also fortifies one-handed) -Cajun (Canis Root, Juniper Berries)

-Potion of Restore Health -Impwheat (Imp Stool, Wheat)
I use alchemy to get rich. Easy way to earn good money early on. And the more expensive a potion is, the faster you level up - both alchemy and speech (as you sell them).

Sell the potions to alchemists, and buy their goods to make more potions.
On side note i recommend the Alchemy and Cooking overhaul mod. The QoL changes it brings are very neat and simply make alchemy more fun than the base game
You can make a Potion of Fortify Carry Weight using Creep Cluster, Mora Tapinella, and Scaly Pholiota. All of these ingredients can be grown at Goldenhills Plantation or in the garden plots and greenhouse planters of Hearthfire. By planting them, you'll have a constant supply of ingredients, allowing you to regularly produce potions and earn gold and experience. This potion has a relatively high value—not the highest in the game, but it's the most valuable one you can make with ingredients you can grow.
I use a fortify destruction potion made from glowing mushrooms and nightshade all the time. In the late game, when lots of enemies resist spells and enchantments, this potion really makes a difference

Glowing mushroom and nightshade to make fortify destruction potions is the one I use the most.