Sea of Thieves lost 58% of its PS5 player base in a single month


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Despite there being more Sea of Thieves trophies to earn than there are drops of water in the ocean, it seems PS5 players are already giving up on Microsoft's live-service pirate game. We think it's still one of the best PS5 multiplayer games around right now, but that quality hasn't stopped a Sea of Thieves' PS5 player count drop from hitting the game.

Using exclusive data from over 3.1 million active PSN accounts (courtesy of GameInsights), we've been keeping track of Sea of Thieves popularity among PS5 players. Initially, Sea of Thieves debut PS5 player count suggested a strong start for the Microsoft live-service game, but since then it seems to have hit a slump.

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Its funny how my friends and I were talking about buying this on sale to play last year and we never got around to actually buying it at all lmao
But hey its a GaaS game and really not a 'engaging' one at that imo
That's a worrying sign for Sea of Thieves. I mean, I love the game and think it's one of the best multiplayer experiences on the PS5, but it seems like players are losing interest fast.
I'm not surprised, like the game can get repetitive and the lack of new content might be driving players away. Microsoft needs to step up and add some exciting new features or updates to keep the community engaged
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I still love playing Sea of Thieves, but I can see why players are leaving. The game needs some fresh content and new features to keep things interesting. it gets repetitive after a while and with all the new live-service games coming out, it's hard to keep players engaged
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Yeah well who was even expecting this game to thrive there lol? the game badly needs a fresh makeover to drive an engagement again with the playerbase
In other news, water is wet
No but fr tho, what did anyone expect from xbox releasing a bygone GaaS title on PS5? Itd sell millions? fuck no
I still love playing Sea of Thieves, but I can see why players are leaving. The game needs some fresh content and new features to keep things interesting. it gets repetitive after a while and with all the new live-service games coming out, it's hard to keep players engaged
Having a dedicated or loyal fanbase to your outdated live service game is cool and all but you know its getting bad when even those start moving on with better things in their life