Ready or Not Devs - AMA


Staff member
Hello everyone,

We are hosting an AMA thread with the talented developers at Void Interactive, the creators of Ready or Not, an intense, tactical, first-person shooter. You have until October 3, 2024 to ask any questions after which we close the thread and send your burning questions to the developers.

AMA Dev image.jpg

Here's their introductions:

Stirling Rank: My name is Stirling and I’m one of the founders of VOID Interactive and Creative Director of Ready or Not. Ask me anything you’d like about the game from its inception to how we see the game going forward, and I’ll hand pick the softball questions that make me look best.

Zack Hamilton: Hey everyone - I'm Zack Bower, Sound Director / Composer with VOID Interactive. If you have any questions on the sound / musical side of Ready or Not... Ask away! I'm all ears (pun intended).

Sean Gorman: I'm the Lead Designer; which means I run the Design department, from Game Design to Level Design teams here at VOID Interactive. For any questions regarding the game's design direction, either looking back or going forward; questions on our design process, or mission implementation, as well as game features, level design or AI; direct your questions my way 👍:skin-tone-2:

Tihomir Garapic: Hey all, I'm Tihomir Garapic (Tisa), Principal Level Designer at Void interactive. I have an extensive modding background as well as professional experience in games. You might have played my levels in games such as Rising Storm 2, Killing Floor 2, Insurgency Sandstorm and now ofc Ready or Not. If you have any questions regarding our levels, modding or level design in general...ask away!
Have been play Ready or Not for few months now and I love what you guys have created here. My only concern is that performance has worsened a lot in recent updates. When can we expect performance fixes?
During development, did you guys have any former SWAT consultants to give you an overview of how their operations work, or is Ready or Not based entirely on available materials and movies? Just curious about how you guys approached the setting
Will any kind of basic teammate shoulder squeeze/tap (a heavily requested feature among the serious CQB groups that play the game) be added? And if not, why?
I've always been a huge fan of environmental storytelling, as it plays the most crucial role in achieving an immersive experience, and VOID Interactive totally nails it. There's one thing in particular that I'm interested in and it's our main character, Judge. We play as him all the time, yet know so little about him. It was only in the final mission "Hide and Seek" in Port Hokan, did we get a mere glimpse of the kind of man he is with his reluctance to follow FISA's order to "CLOSE. THE. DOOR!". As the story unfolds, can we anticipate further exploration of Judge’s backstory and character development in future missions? Hearing him speak out was a very powerful moment.

Keep up the good work!