Interview Phil Spencer when asked if he can confirm that Starfield is staying exclusive: "No."


Staff member
"Indiana Jones has an exclusivity window to be fair. Can you solidify that Starfield is staying put for the time being?"
Phil Spencer: "No. Like there is no specific game, that I would .. That kinda goes back to my red line answer. Like there is no reason for me to put a ring fence around any game and say this game will not go to a place that it would find players, where it would have business success for us. What we find is we're able to drive a better business that allows us to invest in great game line-up like you saw. And that's our strategy, right. Our strategy is allow our games to be available. Game Pass is an important component to playing the games on our platform. But to keep games off of other platforms, we don't think is the path that we're gonna .. That's not a path for us. It doesn't work for us."
