Official Persona 6 Is Currently In Localized Stage

ramona 3 reload 🌊 @p0wyful 🧵PERSONA 6 INFO THREAD 🧵

Let’s start with a release time. As rumored, Persona 6 is targeting a 2025 release date— more specifically, Summer 2025. July if I had to give a guess, if not then August

Post launch DLC is on lock. Lots of customization stuff for party members and both protagonists. Smaller expansions, and I believe a more size able expansion separate from the main, base game

As already heavily reported, the main color is green and the theme is black and white. Duality is a major thing in P6, and the protagonists (Kuro and Shiro) represent this among other things.

On the topic of two protagonists, I don’t believe it is a matter of picking one. One protagonist (male) takes priority over the other. Both have plenty of playtime, but don’t expect choice or an equal amount of playable screentime

The game takes place in an art school. This is where the black/white and duality thing also comes in. lots of modern art and traditional art clashing— one of the center conflicts will be modernity vs tradition

Remember art is subjective! another smaller focus will be on the different mediums there. music, painting, writing, etc. expect this to influence the main cast, too

Game is internally described as “semi-open world.” I would like to imagine that Metaphor influenced this and I’d expect what openness there is to be similar to Metaphor

Social Links are expanded upon massively and feature a lot more interactivity. choices matter quite a bit more, and I believe they’re utilizing some older mechanics alongside the new ones to spice things up :)

Back to the DLC, there is around ~3 years of support planned. The initial expansion pass I don’t believe will cover it all, if the expansion pass still happens, as I’m looking into things more and am unsure of how they’ll go about pricing all of this

Anywho, game is in localization stage. Reveal will be at TGS. will be on most current gen consoles, I’m not counting on Switch 2 at launch personally but we’ll see

I’ll qrt this thread with additional info if I get any. Or, I’ll qrt this thread if I receive any notions that any of this is false for clarity. I have another Persona + SEGA in general scoop that I’ll post tomorrow

Entire thhread info

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I really hope it's more like persona 5. Idk why but 5 feels so much better than 3 reload. I understand it's a remake so they had to keep things mostly the same so I'll cut it some slack. But things like dungeons really need to be more like 5!
I don’t feel like “confirmed with Midori” means literally anything at all, and “who we know had access to sega info” is doing some heavy lifting here. It’s not like they had some stream of info, employment or contact in SEGA, they had a slideshow. One slideshow. That they drip fed for over a year.

Obviously that slideshow had legitimate and quality leaks in it, but it’s not like Midori was an actual SEGA insider or anything, they just got their hands on one piece of material. Idk why we’re acting like they’re the sega/atlus knowledge source who can confirm this stuff lol