[Off-Topic] How do you guys manage gaming with other hobbies

The best advice is just do anything that involves keeping your eyes off the screen. Don't dive into anime or movies as it'll start feeling the same as you feel while gaming.

The best advice is to start talking for walks for 10-15 minutes in your neighborhood, try to catch up with old friends, make some new ones.

If sports is your hobby, try to do that, if it's summer in your region, try to go out for swimming sessions, it'll refresh your mind a lot. If going out isn't something you'd prefer, you could try playing board games or take an interest in learning chess.

The best way I balanced my day to day with work and gaming is through cooking and gardening. Gardening is hella soothing and you could buy a pot or two and take care of it till the bud sprouts and it's the most satisfying thing ever.

The world is your playground, not just a computer screen. So, make the best of it bud,
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Recently finished my course and post graduation, while I'm enjoying the job hunting arc of my life, I am mentally prepared to juggle my hobbies with practical work AND still be able to play games
Even those things just include taking my dog out for his walks or just cooking so it aINT ALL THAT BAD
Its not hard, unless you are playing Genshin Impact or some other competitive game lol. For some people gaming is just time pass, for others, its a competition to get better and better, which IMO becomes toxic with the grinding.
I'm more into Indie Games, so welp, they do not take a lot of time. My advice to you would be, just allocate X Amount of time after all your chores, so that time for gaming becomes a sort of reward.

This reward system will help you a lot, I really mean it.
I'm Sports + Gaming

I'd say make a routine, and figure out how much time do you need to spend on Gaming.

To Do List
Timeboxing as someone pointed in this thread
Daily Goals

It's all about discipline, with discipline, you can manage anything.
Couldn't agree more, recently I watched Michael Jordan's documentary, jeez, that guy used to do 20 things in a day, all because he had this insane will power and discipline.

So if you can make your routine, and figure what needs to be done, how much it would take, its not hard to take time out for gaming.

Remember to be mindful!
Well if anything, most of those side hobbies should include gym or any healthy ones. While I personally loathe not being able to watch anime like I used to, its always rewarding to finish my chores or get my proper game time on adequately so I can do other things like I mentioned, or even leftover tasks like cleaning my workstation etc