How Do You Manage Your Gaming Backlog

I wish there was a foolproof way .... Its really impossible honestly.

more games release so you hop on to them, Backlog remains the same.

focus on older releases and backlog increases because of what you missed.

Never-ending cycleimage_2024-06-05_232647775.png
Its funny because out of all my backlogged games, I was only able to finish the ones I already was fond of or interested in but hey nothing wrong with getting disinterested in a game and returning to it later

what motivates me to clear those kinda games is thinking if they might possibly leave me in awe with a few moments or at least part of their elements such as the gameplay
Stop buying new games you don’t plan to play. Seriously, stop it. Stop telling yourself "What a great deal!" or "I’ve heard so much about this, I should get it," or using any other excuse to purchase games you don’t actually intend to play.

If you genuinely want to play a game, you can always buy it later.

I don’t have a backlog now, but I used to have a collection of games that ended up being wasted money because I never played them. I was just caught up in the excitement of having a good salary and the freedom to buy whatever I wanted. But I’ve realized that if I don’t play a game right away—or at least within a week—I’m likely to put it off for months, and by then, it’s often cheaper than the sale price I paid.

So just stop buying games you’re not going to play right away.
I act like I'm going to play new games, but in reality, I just stick to the same three games I've already sunk countless hours into.
One step at a time without looking at the mountain,

Backlog makes you wanna rush games and you dont want to rush them if you want to feel good playing them
To manage my gaming backlog, I uninstall any game I'm not actively playing. This added "inconvenience" helps me focus on the games I currently have installed. When it comes to sales, I hold off on buying new games until I've at least tried all the ones I purchased during the last sale.
For me, having a backlog is something that comes with adulthood. When you’re a kid, you don’t really have a backlog because you have plenty of time to play everything you want.

A backlog is really a byproduct of growing up and having less time for gaming. It’s not just a long list of games you’ve accumulated from random Steam sales over the years. Instead, it’s about those standout games you were excited about, bought with a clear purpose, but haven’t had time to play yet because more new games keep coming out.
I never understood this backlog or the x number of games to finish. Are there players who only play to finish games?

I usually finish every game I like just by playing, and if the games become tedious or aren't fun anymore, I just stop naturally and play something else without having the need to finish it. I never thought about finishing them but just on having a good time. It's so weird to me.
You need to be more picky with your games and with your time.
Dont let every single suggestiona dn recommendation consume you.

Just pick the cream of the crop and focus on them. You'll eventually tackle your backlog
I used to be really intense about trying to force myself to play through all my games, but I realized I was ruining the experience for myself and diminishing my overall enjoyment of gaming.