How Do You Manage Your Gaming Backlog


I frequently play and enjoy most singleplayer and indie titles but at the same time, Im a retroactive MMO player that grinds the hell out of Final Fantasy XIV and occasionally Warframe. This ends up me missing out on the former games I play, making me feel overwhelmed to even finish them or go back to them after a break.

So if anyone has experienced this problem even slightly, can they tell me how they go about tackling their video game backlog? Beacuse I srsly need to play the tons of games sitting on my shelf in both the Steam and PS5 library
Honestly, the best way that i've experienced is to literally force yourself to dedicate a day out of your week or month for games. While this can be difficult, it can help you with focusing on one title at a time, and even if you barely chip away at the backlog, it's progress made nonetheless.
What helped me at one point was creating an Excel spreadsheet of games I had left to play. I'd sort it with different colors based on if I hadn't touched it, was replaying it, or currently playing it. When I was done with a game I'd have a specific color for that as well. Helped a lot in clearing my backlog at the time.
Complete one title with full dedication before moving on to the next instead of tackling multiple at once. That's what I do.
First impression is everything. I'm all for trying out a game I never played that's been sitting in my backlog, but if the game doesn't hit right at home in the first couple of hours, it's goodbye forever. Helps me clear through the backlog much faster, especially now that I have very little time to give to video games.

Long gone are the days when I'd spent hundreds of hours completing the map in AC Origins, Odyssey, Fallout, or any other open-world game. Now I go for the core game; if it's good enough and deserves my time, I'll play it. All the side BS and fluff are there just to be skipped over (unless, ofc, the side stuff is fun).
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I frequently play and enjoy most singleplayer and indie titles but at the same time, Im a retroactive MMO player that grinds the hell out of Final Fantasy XIV and occasionally Warframe. This ends up me missing out on the former games I play, making me feel overwhelmed to even finish them or go back to them after a break.

So if anyone has experienced this problem even slightly, can they tell me how they go about tackling their video game backlog? Beacuse I srsly need to play the tons of games sitting on my shelf in both the Steam and PS5 library
I usually play a single main game alongside a couple of smaller ones to manage
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I frequently play and enjoy most singleplayer and indie titles but at the same time, Im a retroactive MMO player that grinds the hell out of Final Fantasy XIV and occasionally Warframe. This ends up me missing out on the former games I play, making me feel overwhelmed to even finish them or go back to them after a break.

So if anyone has experienced this problem even slightly, can they tell me how they go about tackling their video game backlog? Beacuse I srsly need to play the tons of games sitting on my shelf in both the Steam and PS5 library
I've been in the same boat 💀 if i start losing a lot online, i take a break from my main game and play some other games instead
In the same boat as you man, I love Destiny 2 and Warframe but there is a time where I miss giving dedicated time to my singleplayer franchises, still need to finish RE4R, FF16, Zelda TOTK, Tales of Arise and more sighh
I can sorta understand u OP since I play a couple of fighting games myself like Tekken and Guilty gear, m advice'd be to take time on the weekends to play those games, or you can treat yourself to them as a reward for grinding a plenty in your MMOs since that's what I do after my ranked matches

I've been in the same boat 💀 if i start losing a lot online, i take a break from my main game and play some other games instead
This too
2024-06-04 16_50_26-LionTamer55460's PSN Profile • - Opera.jpg
Weird flex but my point is I also play MMO games like Destiny 2, world of warcraft but all it takes is undivided attention to your backlogged games once you start them or go back to them
What helped me at one point was creating an Excel spreadsheet of games I had left to play. I'd sort it with different colors based on if I hadn't touched it, was replaying it, or currently playing it. When I was done with a game I'd have a specific color for that as well. Helped a lot in clearing my backlog at the time.
Great initiative on one's part, making that excel sheet and being committed to it isn't any easy feat either so you need to hustle up and tell it to yourself to tackle that backlog
What worked wonders for me was mentally fortifying myself to play and complete even the games I accidentally bought and didn't like (yes I have minor regrets)
But hey not all were that meh, there were even some I misjudged early on and gave me mixed early impressions

I advise tackling any indie games you have and then slowly move up with linear action/adventure titles and then finally any open world titles
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Weird flex but my point is I also play MMO games like Destiny 2, world of warcraft but all it takes is undivided attention to your backlogged games once you start them or go back to them

Great initiative on one's part, making that excel sheet and being committed to it isn't any easy feat either so you need to hustle up and tell it to yourself to tackle that backlog
Damnn son fellow trophy hunter eh, nice Plats
Love how this instantly reminded me of Daryls videos on the same dilemma xD
Extremely intuitive video, Daryl never misses with his essays
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Uh my simple take here'd be to just play your favorite ones or the ones you were looking forward to the most, and try to give all of your attention to them or else you're not gonna have the attention span for anything if not for your backlog lol
Me after finishing my backlog of games.

In any case, I suggest taking each game with care and focus because no matter how convoluted your gaming backlog may be, you gotta live by the rule of giving games the chance and making you fall in love or... utter hate with them lmao
Honestly, the best way that i've experienced is to literally force yourself to dedicate a day out of your week or month for games. While this can be difficult, it can help you with focusing on one title at a time, and even if you barely chip away at the backlog, it's progress made nonetheless.
This, for sure.
Also procrastination is one helluva drug, don't let it eat you ESPECIALLY WITH YOUR VIDEO GAMES