Help with locating Euphoria in Shadow of the Erd Tree

The steps involved to get euphoria but the basic gist is getting to enir elim. From the site of grace that takes you upwards where you meet the first lion enemy and that one enemy who spams magic attacks beneath your feet. Following the stairs that take you to him take a left and there'll be another flight of stairs that you down and a further descent down the path will take you to corner ledges and some jumps across windows. You'll eventually find your self in Belurat tower. From there its a linear path and a couple of elevators to the weapon.

The steps involved to get euphoria but the basic gist is getting to enir elim. From the site of grace that takes you upwards where you meet the first lion enemy and that one enemy who spams magic attacks beneath your feet. Following the stairs that take you to him take a left and there'll be another flight of stairs that you down and a further descent down the path will take you to corner ledges and some jumps across windows. You'll eventually find your self in Belurat tower. From there its a linear path and a couple of elevators to the weapon.

Yes its better to follow a visual guide than written text. Describing the path to it is extremly difficult