Common Words / Phrases That You Dont like To Use?

“To be honest” - like okay yeah I want you to lie to me. Also “no offense” because 9/10 times let’s be real the person wants to offend you 🤣
The first that came to mind was saying something gives you “the ick.” Things are gross or even icky, but “the ick” sounds like someone trying to make fetch happen, and it’s never going to happen for me.
"Because, at the end of the day..." This phrase just gets over used for emphasis and then loses its emphasis as a result, in my opinion. It's trite and annoying.
“It is what it is.” No shit.

Dismissive non-answers to small talk: “same old, same old”; “living the dream”; etc. If you ask me how it’s been going or what I’ve been up to, I’m going to put at least a little effort into giving you a thought or two.

“Hubby.” It just feels childish, and is used almost entirely by people i find annoying.