Trailers Brand New Look At Gothic 1 Remkae


Staff member
From the trailer description:

Prisoners, it's time to face reality and embrace your fate. Make yourself at home in the Valley of Mines, a place full of danger, crime and greed. You will stay here for a very. Long. Time. In Gothic 1 Remake, you get thrown into the colony, a massive outdoor prison with no chance for escape.

Strays or loners won't make it far here, so get to know the three different camps of the valley and join one of them to survive. Dive into a living world and experience one of the most immersive atmospheres you'll ever see in a video game. Learn how your choices affect the story and even the entire fate of the colony. Welcome to the world of Gothic.

Welcome to the colony. Gothic 1 Remake is coming to PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.
All footage captured in-game.

This actually looks amazing. I'm surprised by how much they kept the same, pretty much everything they showed looks like it has the exact same design/layout as in the original game.

Looking forward to the expanded story stuff, I believe the game is being written by the lead writer of the Skyrim mod Enderal, and that mods story was supremely well written.
Actually looks better than I would have thought. Last time I had paid attention to it was when they put out that weird rendered trailer a few years ago. Seeing the gameplay and levels look pretty faithful to the original, yet modernized, makes me interested.
As others said, lets hope the fighting system is appropriately clunky!
Not to get my hopes too high up but wow this looks exactly like what I was hoping for since they changed gears after the poorly received first demo. Overhauled visuals, similar/identical progression and systems, and modern controls.