Best Single Player Settings for Ark in 2024?


First time trying out Ark. Can anyone list or suggest what would be the best settings for single player in Ark. What values should I set or the settings I should enable/disable.

Thank you
I recommend setting the Taming Speed to 5. Because there's an inverse relationship with dino food drain for taming, you need a higher taming speed if you lower the dino food drain. Setting it to 5 ensures that kibbles are still useful and taming doesn't take forever.
I suggest keeping the Dino Food Drain at the default value of 1. I learned the hard way that you need around 18 or 19 rexes for alpha boss fights, and keeping them all fed was just a massive chore. When I had it set to 10, the meat in my feeding troughs was disappearing faster than seconds on a clock
For a good Overall experience I would suggest these setting
  • Difficulty: 4-5 (depending on your skill level)
  • Taming: x10-x20 (to make taming faster and more enjoyable)
  • Harvesting: x5-x10 (to gather resources more efficiently)
  • XP Gain: x2-x5 (to level up faster)
  • Day Cycle: 30-60 minutes (to have a shorter day cycle)
These are the settings I recommend to set on the general tab

  • Difficulty: 1
  • Dino Resistance: 0.5
  • Player Resistance: 0.5
  • XP Multiplier: 10
  • Taming Speed: 5
  • Dino Harvesting Damage: 3
  • Harvest Amount: 2
  • Player Character Food Drain: 2
  • Dino Character Food Drain: 3
  • Maximum Difficulty: Enabled
  • Disable Structure Placement Collision: Enabled
  • Allow Multiple Platform Floors: Enabled
  • Allow Unlimited Respecs: Enabled
  • Show Creative Mode: Enabled
Best is subjective tbh. Depends on your immersion. How much do you want to balance realism and fun but these are what I use

10x tame, breed, maturation

2x harvest

1x XP

Lvl 120max dinos
These are the settings I have set.

Taming speed * 5
-Breeding and Maturation * 10
-Harvest Rate * 3.5
-Stats for player * 2
-Stats for wild and tamed dinos * 1.5
-Affinity and Imprint boost * 2 as a reward
These are the settings I recommend to set on the general tab

  • Difficulty: 1
  • Dino Resistance: 0.5
  • Player Resistance: 0.5
  • XP Multiplier: 10
  • Taming Speed: 5
  • Dino Harvesting Damage: 3
  • Harvest Amount: 2
  • Player Character Food Drain: 2
  • Dino Character Food Drain: 3
  • Maximum Difficulty: Enabled
  • Disable Structure Placement Collision: Enabled
  • Allow Multiple Platform Floors: Enabled
  • Allow Unlimited Respecs: Enabled
  • Show Creative Mode: Enabled
Adding more to these

these are the world settings that I'd recommend

  • Poop Interval: 3
  • Lay Egg Interval: 0.15
  • Mating Interval: 0.007
  • Egg Hatch Speed: 12
  • Baby Mature Speed: 50
  • Harvest Health: 2
  • Baby Cuddle Interval Multiplier: 0.012
  • Baby Imprinting Stat Scale Multiplier: 1.5
  • Day Cycle Speed: 0.5
  • Spoiling Time: 3
  • Item Decomposition Time: 3
  • Corpse Decomposition Time: 3
  • No Resource Radius - Player: 5
  • No Resource Radius - Structures: 0.3
  • Crop Growth Speed: 3
  • Crop Decay Speed: 3
I use the following

1.5 XP

3.0 Taming

1.5 harvest rate

That is all but i'd also recommend increasing the breeding and maturation rates
These are the settings I recommend to set on the general tab

  • Difficulty: 1
  • Dino Resistance: 0.5
  • Player Resistance: 0.5
  • XP Multiplier: 10
  • Taming Speed: 5
  • Dino Harvesting Damage: 3
  • Harvest Amount: 2
  • Player Character Food Drain: 2
  • Dino Character Food Drain: 3
  • Maximum Difficulty: Enabled
  • Disable Structure Placement Collision: Enabled
  • Allow Multiple Platform Floors: Enabled
  • Allow Unlimited Respecs: Enabled
  • Show Creative Mode: Enabled
Agree with taming and breed, but NOT with XP, come on 10x ? You'll level too fast that you will got bored in less than 2 weeks.
Adding more to these

these are the world settings that I'd recommend

  • Poop Interval: 3
  • Lay Egg Interval: 0.15
  • Mating Interval: 0.007
  • Egg Hatch Speed: 12
  • Baby Mature Speed: 50
  • Harvest Health: 2
  • Baby Cuddle Interval Multiplier: 0.012
  • Baby Imprinting Stat Scale Multiplier: 1.5
  • Day Cycle Speed: 0.5
  • Spoiling Time: 3
  • Item Decomposition Time: 3
  • Corpse Decomposition Time: 3
  • No Resource Radius - Player: 5
  • No Resource Radius - Structures: 0.3
  • Crop Growth Speed: 3
  • Crop Decay Speed: 3
other miscellaneous settings I'd like to add are

  • Passive Def Hurt Riderless Dinos: Enabled
  • Allow Custom Recipes: Enabled
  • Allow Raid Dino Feeding: Enabled
  • Raid Dino Food Drain Multiplier: 2
  • Supply Crate Loot Quality: 2
  • Fishing Loot Quality: 2
These are the settings I recommend to set on the general tab

  • Difficulty: 1
  • Dino Resistance: 0.5
  • Player Resistance: 0.5
  • XP Multiplier: 10
  • Taming Speed: 5
  • Dino Harvesting Damage: 3
  • Harvest Amount: 2
  • Player Character Food Drain: 2
  • Dino Character Food Drain: 3
  • Maximum Difficulty: Enabled
  • Disable Structure Placement Collision: Enabled
  • Allow Multiple Platform Floors: Enabled
  • Allow Unlimited Respecs: Enabled
  • Show Creative Mode: Enabled
Thats honestly a pretty good list for setting, I'd recommend these
These are the settings I recommend to set on the general tab

  • Difficulty: 1
  • Dino Resistance: 0.5
  • Player Resistance: 0.5
  • XP Multiplier: 10
  • Taming Speed: 5
  • Dino Harvesting Damage: 3
  • Harvest Amount: 2
  • Player Character Food Drain: 2
  • Dino Character Food Drain: 3
  • Maximum Difficulty: Enabled
  • Disable Structure Placement Collision: Enabled
  • Allow Multiple Platform Floors: Enabled
  • Allow Unlimited Respecs: Enabled
  • Show Creative Mode: Enabled
10 x multiplier is weird. I mean at that point why even play the game