Leak 100 GB of Halo Cut Content Has Leaked Including A Playable Build From 1999


Staff member
The leaks are said to have originated from Halo Studios' (formerly 343 Industries) long-running collaboration with modding team Digsite, which has been excavating scrapped content and old files before adding them back into the classic FPS games. Halo 2's infamous E3 2003 demo was recreated and modded back into The Master Chief Collection just last month, for example, as was an Arbiter mission that never crossed the finish line two decades ago - all of which were reconstructed with official design documents leftover from the Bungie era.

One former Digsite modder confirmed the leaks are real, but claimed that none of the current or former members of the team were responsible for the leakage. "For reference, myself and the recent departures actually didn't have access to some of these files like the debug DLLS," they tweeted earlier this week. "Wild this happened but, uh, Merry Christmas fellas."

Link To Tweets:

source: Almost 100GB of classic Halo content has leaked online, including the 1999 demo from when the legendary FPS was in third person
Someone just has to take/steal I mean be inspired by those files and make a split screen online I guess like csgo community 💀