Official Xur Celebrates Destiny 2’s 10th Anniversary by Selling Gjallarhorn


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Destiny celebrated its 10th anniversary on Sept. 6 with a special title, and armor set, but it seems Bungie has another surprise in store.

From today until reset on Sept. 24 players can purchase Gjallarhorn from Xur for 23 Strange Coins. Not only is this a weapon commonly used in high level activities, or to clean up trash mobs, it’s the centerpiece of Bungie’s 30th Anniversary Pack. Reports indicate the weapon can be purchased by anyone, though there does not appear to be a way to get the catalyst without the DLC.

The choice to sell Gjallarhorn makes sense, as Sept. 20, 2014 was the infamous day where Xur sold Gjallarhorn. Thew weapon, which would go on to be the meta defining year one exotic, was considered a meme weapon. The most common belief being a heavy exotic was a waste, since you’d use it the least.

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Surreal to see, my brother played Destiny 1 a lot back on the PS4 and when I told him this he had a good laugh about it
Literally logged into the game yesterday to check this lmao, my Tower had a few player slined up to him too, was so nostalgic and wholesome to see the community together for this even if everyone already owns this damn rocket launcher
I wish I could ve played Destiny 1 to see this but its nice to see Bungie paying homage to that infamous day when it first launched as one of the most overpowered weapons in gaming history