Xbox Signs Agreement With Panache, Assassin's Creed's Creator's Studio, For New Project


[Credible Leaker]
Similar to Xbox joining hands with Hundred Star, a studio formed by ex-Rocksteady heads, eXputer has now seen graphical evidence that the company has also secured the distribution of a new project from the Montreal-based Panache Digital Games. For those not in the know, Panache was formed in 2014 by the original creator of the Assassin's Creed franchise, Patrice Désilets.

Precise details of the game are scant, but I can say that it's being built in Unreal Engine 5. In addition, there is a possibility that said game is 1666: Amsterdam, Patrice's long-time passion project, but I cannot confirm that at this point. During this year's Reboot Develop, Panache did come forward with a pitch, going over what the studio is working on, likely expecting to find a publisher for the new game.

Lastly, an insider source has reason to believe that Panache is planning a 2026 or even 2027 release window for the title, but logically, things can change over time.

About Panache:

Panache's only game thus far has been Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey, a third-person survival game released in 2019 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.
uhhh..,. why make a deal with the studio behind Ancestors: The Human Kind Odyssey studio. That is not a solid portfolio
Xbox again with the over-delivery of titles might cost them but I'm hopeful whatever this game is from Panache will succeed even if we re still 2 to 3 years out
What? Patrice Désilets is working on a new game and I thought he was done with the industry after Ancestors and Unreal Engine 5?????? That means the game is gonna be a visual masterpiece! Can't wait
I'm not sure about this... I mean, Ancestors was okay, but it didn't blow me away. Hopefully, this new game will be better
I'm so confused... is this a new IP or a sequel to Ancestors? Someone clarify
I totally understand your confusion! From what I've gathered, the new game by Panache Digital Games is actually a new IP, not a sequel to Ancestors. It's been rumored to be a project that Patrice Désilets has been passionate about for a while, and it's reportedly different from Ancestors in terms of gameplay and genre. Think of it as a fresh start for the studio! However, we won't know for sure until they make an official announcement. Keep an eye out for updates, and I'm sure all will be revealed soon
Yeah, I'm hyped! Patrice Désilets is a genius and I love his work on Assassin's Creed. I'm sure this new game will be amazing! Just hoping it's not another survival game, I'm a bit tired of those...
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Im being optimistic for this, I know people have mixed reactions given the portfolio of the studio but people need to at least give someone a damn chance lmao