Location Where to get special and refined parts in Once Human?

First of all, you'll get both items by disassembling junk at the assembly table.

For special parts, the regions you have to explore are Chalk Peak and Red Sands (Level 32 and 40+ required, respectively). Some of the zones that have the junk containing special parts are

  1. Blackfell fallen zone
  2. sunshine farm
  3. Securement Silo
  4. Rotten Saddle
  5. Evergreen Vineyard
  6. Kitches
  7. Resedential areas
Some Items that yield special parts are:
  • CPUs
  • Coffee makers
  • Ovens
  • Bearings
  • Scrap Sniper Rifle Body
  • Scrap SMG Body
  • Welding Machine
For Refined parts
Explore the iron river region

or just do Securement Sio PSI run once. The parts that yeild refined parts are:

  • Riot Shields
  • Smart Stereo units
  • Scrap Fine Barrel
  • Scrap Fine Body
  • Scrap Fine Stock
Iron River Region - Refined Pparts

Chalk Peak - special parts

you get both parts by dismantling the junk found in this region