What video game final boss fight gets hyped and delivers?


>Final boss of the game gets hyped beyond comprehension by the fanbase or general masses
>Actually delivers when you get to it

What comes to your mind instantly?

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All my Destiny homies here know that fighting Oryx both in the campaign and Raid of D1 hit different
I'd put Witness here too but Oryx is up there for me since I ve been an avid player of Destiny since D1 on the PS4 and beating him in the raid with 5 other peeps back in the day was a feeling I could never forget
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Not just Kuroiwa but also Jin Kuwana in Lost Judgment, RGG outdid themselves here, made me also start the Yakuza series because of it
Kefka in FF6
Despite being easy, the OST and atmosphere leading to the climax is so peak no other FF game came close to it. Not even 7
Vergil in DMC 3

We fight him 2 times prior and that really becomes a proving grounds to get to him in his final fight at the end which teenager me struggled and had to call in my brother to help lmao
But still, I love him so much :love::giggle:
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All my Destiny homies here know that fighting Oryx both in the campaign and Raid of D1 hit different
I'd put Witness here too but Oryx is up there for me since I ve been an avid player of Destiny since D1 on the PS4 and beating him in the raid with 5 other peeps back in the day was a feeling I could never forget
Ayyy my man
Even tho I came into D1 during Rise of Iron, I was fortunate enough to defeat hi mduring the age of triumph days and then again in D2 a couple of years ago during week 1 of the re-release of Kings Fall
The strongest samurai in history
-In his peak form and prime
-Chooses to fulfil his adoptive grandson dying wishes even if he doesn't agree with them
-Fun boss fight which tests everything you learned in the game
-Pulls out a f#cking Glock

10/10 final boss

Slave knight gael and defo my personal favorite, Boss from MGS3
Both deserve the huge amount of hype and glazing that fans give em
Arianrhod, a big woman with big lance

Her first appearance was in The Legend of Heroes: Trails to Azure, the fifth game in the franchise, and she's basically a living legend.

If you don't have a good strategy and equipment against her, you're done.

Lavos definitely
The game even dares you to fight him early by giving you him permanent access to 1999 after you learn all about him
Persona 5's Shido gets teased a lot and they deliver on that fight especially with rivers in the desert playing and u hear that for the first time, absolute chills, Im also Glad Royal spiced up that boss fight by having u go 1 on 1 with him during his last stand phase, epic