Official Warner Bros. Video-Game Division Faces Thin Slate, Leadership Uncertainty and Wonder Woman Issues


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Warner Bros. Games had just suffered through a dismal year, marked by a $200 million writedown in May on a painful flop, Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, followed a few months later by a $100 million writedown due to the failures of Harry Potter: Quidditch Champions and the fighting game MultiVersus.

One of the company’s biggest bets in development, a video game based on Wonder Woman, has struggled to coalesce, according to people familiar with the project. Early last year, it was rebooted and switched directors. The game has already cost more than $100 million, said the people who asked not to be identified discussing nonpublic information, and is still years away from release, if it ever makes it to market.

According to interviews with two dozen current and former Warner Bros. employees, a lack of a strong, cohesive vision during Haddad’s reign — a tumultuous period in which Warner Bros. struggled through multiple reorganizations — led to years of ineffectual trend-chasing and wasted development time.