Official Valve Multiplayer MOBA "Deadlock" Announced


Staff member
In addition to this Valve has lifted the ban on public streaming/discussions. The playtest still remains restricted to "friends-invite" only.

Previews/first impressions are also out.


It’s a mix of paranormal, noir, a bit like Portal, and even some TF2 vibes. It definitely looks intriguing!
Valve not only pulled off something significant but also managed to make it “funny” at the same time, especially in light of the new multiplayer game that just dropped today from another major company.
It’s a good option for scratching that Monday Night Combat itch. I enjoyed the time I spent with it and am looking forward to the full release.
I’m curious why Valve didn’t showcase this at Gamescom. I understand it might be too early for a full reveal, but they could have at least announced it with a teaser trailer featuring just the title logo and a "coming soon" message.