US Patent Office rejects 22 out of 23 patent claims from Nintendo amongst Palworld lawsuit


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GamesFray, a website focused on analyzing and reporting over the litigation aspects of the gaming scene, has been following the case closely, going through Nintendo's legal trail in both continents, analyzing the case and reporting over each new step taken in the legal battle. GamesFray disclosed back in February 8th that Nintendo submitted 23 patent claims to the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

However, out of those 23 patents submitted by Nintendo, the USPTO rejected 22 out of those 23 patent claims due to those 22 patents not being considered inventive over prior existing art, leaving only one patent to Nintendo, with the USPTO willing to grant that one patent only if Nintendo drops the other 22 patent claims (since that specific patent was dependant on a rejected one).

Source: US Patent Office rejects 22 out of 23 patent claims from Nintendo amongst Palworld lawsuit
Gameplay mechanics shouldn't be able to be patented. It doesn't protect genuine innovation, it's just used to prevent competition.
Patenting game mechanics is the dumbest shit ever. Why shouldn't Philips patent balls hitting paddles? Or Sega patent running really fast in a ball shape? Everything creative is just a taken apart of regulated in lawsuits.
Nintendo reminding us that the company that made our childhood games is actually evil :(