Official The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of the Wisdom - Oveview

The style is great, but I really wish they had left out the blur bar at the bottom. It really stood out to me in the Link's Awakening remake, and I haven't seen anything suggesting it’ll be improved here.
My biggest worry with this game is how clunky it might be to navigate the menus to find the right echoes. Hopefully, there's a way to create shortcuts for the ones we use the most.
I'm honestly really excited for this game. It totally caught me by surprise. I didn’t expect to be this hyped for a Zelda game since I haven’t played one seriously since Twilight Princess.
For Link's Awakening, I wasn’t a fan of the art style because it didn’t match the feel of the original game. But for this one, I think it’s a perfect fit.