Leak Star War Outlaws Has Sold One Million Copies In One Month


Staff member
"Insider Gaming hasn’t been able to learn what the expected sales figure was for Star Wars Outlaws, but we have secured a current sales figure from sources close to the game. At the time of writing, Star Wars Outlaws has just ticked over one million sales worldwide."

"It’s not as many sales as Ubisoft expected, which explains the recent comments about the game’s performance proving ‘softer than expected’."

Source: Star Wars Outlaws Has Sold Just 1 Million Copies In The Month Since It Launched
Final Fantasy 16 sold 3 million in a week, and Square expressed disappointment. Outlaws has an equal and probably bigger budget, and with the Star Wars brand, just cracks 1 million in a month. I'm not sure what's going on with Star Wars lately... the brand is destroyed.
I don’t think people are just holding out for sales or discounts; it seems like they simply don’t care about this game, lol.
Maybe it's because the game felt like generic open-world filler with a thin layer of Star Wars slapped on top? The audience that used to buy these games has grown up and probably expects more from them now. I know I do!