Official Sony confirms PS5 Pro has next-gen ray-tracing tech and 'there are no other AMD GPUs that use it yet'


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From a PC gaming perspective, easily the most interesting aspect of the new Sony PS5 Pro console is its ray-tracing hardware and performance. For a long time it's been rumoured that the PS5 Pro may share its RT hardware with AMD's upcoming RDNA 4 GPU architecture.

Now it's been confirmed by Sony's PlayStation head honcho, Mark Cerny, that not only does the PS5 Pro leverage RT hardware from AMD's roadmap that isn't currently in any available GPU, it was Sony that "motivated" AMD to come up with it.

At least, this is what Cerny claims. Speaking to CNET (via Overclock3D), Cerny says the "PS5 Pro uses the new advanced [ray tracing] feature sets that AMD created as the next step in their roadmap architecture. But if you look around, there are no other AMD GPUs that use it yet. We motivated the development, and I'm very happy we did so...the response from the developers has been extraordinarily great."

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If the PS5 Pro had been released alongside the original PS5, I would have thought it was the right move. As it stands, I’m just not seeing this as the "next-gen" experience.
Sony is just on a roll lately, I'm sure all the fanboys are going to run out and get it and play the games they've already played but they will

"It's so much sharper now, and loads times are better".