Rules For Guides

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Staff member

Question Posting Guidelines:

  1. Clear and Specific Questions: When asking a question, be as clear and specific as possible. Include relevant details that might help others provide a better answer.
  2. One Question per Post: Avoid asking multiple unrelated questions in one post. Keep each question focused on a single topic to make it easier for others to respond.
  3. Use Descriptive Titles: Title your post with a brief description of your question or issue. This helps others quickly identify if they can help.
  4. Use Proper Tags: Use the game or developer tag when posting a question.
  5. Appropriate Flairs:
    1. Suggestions: When asking for suggestions like whats the best method, best weapons, best items, or anything where you would like suggestions/ opinions of others.
    2. Game Help : A flair for when the question isn't related to a location or boss fight. Used for general game help.
    3. Location: The question is about the location of an item, weapon, NPC, or anything else. Use this prefix.
    4. Bossfight: Use when asking for cheese strategy or how to take down a boss in a game.
    5. Discussion: Use this tag for discussion regarding specific in-game content or tier list
    6. Settings: When asking about the best in-game settings for optimal performance.

Guide and Answer Guidelines:

  1. Provide Detailed Responses: When answering a question, provide as much detail as necessary to fully address the issue. Consider writing a mini-guide if the topic is complex.
  2. Respectful and Constructive Responses: Engage with others respectfully. Avoid dismissive or rude comments, and aim to provide helpful, constructive guidance.
  3. Fact-Check Your Answers: Ensure that the information or advice you provide is accurate and reliable. If you're unsure, make it clear that your answer may need further verification.
  4. Use Formatting for Clarity: Structure your responses clearly using paragraphs, bullet points, and headings where appropriate to make your guide easy to follow.

Engagement and Community Interaction:

  1. Encourage Follow-Up Questions: If you think your answer may not cover everything, encourage the original poster to ask follow-up questions for more clarification.
  2. Upvote Helpful Answers: Use the forum’s upvote or like feature to highlight especially helpful or well-written guides and responses.
  3. Acknowledge Helpful Answers: If your question has been answered to your satisfaction, acknowledge the answer by thanking the user or marking the response as accepted (if the feature is available).

Moderation and Reporting:

  1. Report Inappropriate Content: If you see any responses or questions that violate forum rules, are misleading, or are otherwise inappropriate, report them to the moderators.
  2. Moderator Discretion: Moderators may intervene to edit, move, or remove posts and comments that do not meet community standards.

General Conduct:

  1. No Spamming: Avoid posting the same question multiple times. If you didn’t get a response, consider rephrasing or adding more details rather than reposting.
  2. Be Patient: Allow time for users to respond to your question. Not everyone may be able to provide immediate guidance.
  3. Stay On-Topic: Ensure that both questions and responses remain relevant to the specific gaming-related guidance sought. Off-topic content may be removed.

Content Quality:

  1. Proofread Your Posts: Before submitting your question or answer, check for spelling and grammar errors to ensure clarity and readability.
  2. Cite Sources When Necessary: If your guidance is based on specific data or external information, cite your sources to add credibility to your response.
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