PS3 Emulation Is Reportedly In The Works For PlayStation 5, Insider Says


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The PlayStation 5 has been around for many years but still lacks commendable emulation features. That could soon be changing, however. As per the accredited insider, Jeff Grubb, PS3 emulation could be in the works for the current-gen console. The leaker spoke about the rumor in detail during the latest Game Mess Mornings podcast episode (around the 59:38 mark). It has apparently been in the works for “quite some time.

It’s something that I’ve heard has been in the works for quite some time. I thought it was going to get revealed earlier this year when I first heard about it. That clearly didn’t happen, but that doesn’t mean it will never happen—maybe it does,” says the insider.

The insider expected the anticipated feature to be revealed earlier this year when the rumors started spreading. However, Sony has kept silent about it so far. The insider is also unable to confirm when or whether it will ever be announced in the first place.

Full report: PS3 Emulation Is Reportedly In The Works For PlayStation 5, Insider Says
It has apparently been in the works for “quite some time.

Yeah ok, if it WAS IN THE WORKS, you'd ship that shit sooner, Sony prbs realized that this console doesn't have too many games, only the ps3 and its exclusives can save it now lol