Interview PlayStation Is "Lacking" In Original IP, Says Sony


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Just like pretty much every platform holder, PlayStation is sat on a huge pile of franchises that have been left dormant for years, even decades in some instances. Every one of you reading this article probably has a beloved series you wish would make a comeback, but Sony has looked at its vault full of titles and has come to the conclusion that it simply doesn't have enough original IP.

These rather bizarre comments came from new Sony CFO Hiroki Totoki in a recent interview with the Financial Times (thanks PlayStation Lifestyle), in which he claims the company is currently "lacking" in original IP that it "fostered from the beginning."

Full details: PlayStation Doesn't Have Enough Original IP, Says Sony
Sony has successful titles like Bloodborne, Horizon, and Ghost of Tsushima, so it seems confusing when they say they lack original IP. Maybe they just mean new IP, but they’ve had some huge hits in the past few years.
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Sony has a bunch of cool original games, but they don't seem to be doing much with them. I mean, making a Twisted Metal TV show but not a new game? It's like they know fans love the old stuff, but they're not putting in the effort to bring it back.
I think they're trying to create the next big thing, like Fortnite or Minecraft, something that will bring in a lot of money. However, I believe genuine creativity comes from personal projects, not just following the latest trends and all
First of all EXCUSE ME?
Lacking in OG IPs??!

You butchered Japan Studios and have pretty much all of your studios making remakes or more cinematic slop
Sony has a bunch of cool original games, but they don't seem to be doing much with them. I mean, making a Twisted Metal TV show but not a new game? It's like they know fans love the old stuff, but they're not putting in the effort to bring it back.
This exactly, this news doesnt make sense to me because Sony has a dozen of great IPs, but yeah quite a lot of them deserve a resurgence like Sly Cooper and Jak for one