Multiple Assassin’s Creed Remakes Are In Development, Ubisoft CEO Confirms


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Firstly, players can be excited about some remakes, which will allow us to revisit some of the games we’ve created in the past and modernize them; there are worlds in some of our older Assassin’s Creed games that are still extremely rich. Secondly, to answer your question, there will be plenty of experience variety,” said the CEO.


The goal is to have Assassin’s Creed games come out more regularly, but not for it to be the same experience every year. There are a lot of good things to come, including Assassin’s Creed Hexe, which we’ve announced, which is going to be a very different game from Assassin’s Creed Shadows. We’re going to surprise people, I think.

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I have no idea how this franchise is still surviving like I really have no idea how it works

i dont feel excited about assassin's creed anymore and I don't know how its still selling