Official Microsoft said "Nah" to Doom X Halo Crossover


Staff member
Speaking with Collider, Secret Level writers Tim Miller and Dave Wilson noted that they have indeed seen your questions, and in some cases complaints, asking why certain series got an episode when others did not. Miller noted a particular comparison where someone asked why Spelunky got an episode when Halo did not, leading him to reveal the big plans he and Wilson had for Halo in Secret Level but being unable to sell the idea to Xbox.

We wanted to make a Master Chief/Doom Slayer crossover episode, and I spent a whole weekend crafting this impassioned letter of my childhood. And it's exactly what Tim said; they were like, 'Nah'.


That makes sense. Despite being efficient killing machines, the characters are very different. MS wants MC to be a cinematic character, not to team up with Doom Slayer to kill hordes.
"Nah" is also a good summary for Secret Level. No value is lost. It was so boring and generic, compared to Love, death & Robots.