Discussion Metal Gear Solid Master Collection Vol. 2 Confirmed in the Works by Konami; Hopes Not to Repeat Vol.1’s Mistakes


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Following the release of the Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 1 last year, one would assume that a follow up to it containing more of the franchise’s games would be in development. If you assumed that’d be the case, then congrats! Konami has today confirmed that yes, MGS: Master Collection Vol. 2 is indeed in development, though there’s not a lot to share outside of the confirmation.

The news was confirmed by Konami in the Metal Gear – Production Hotline #2 episode that aired today. In it, Jiro Oishi, promotions manager for the Metal Gear franchise, and Noriaki Okamura, the Production Producer of the Metal Gear series answered fan questions. Naturally, the conversation veered into in catalog of Metal Gear Solid, and Okamura had a lot to say about it, and referenced the first volume’s rather spotty launch, and how they don’t want to repeat it.

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The collection would be great with just solid ports of MGS4 and Peace Walker. These are the last two essential Metal Gear Solid games, and there's no need for MGS5 since it's already available on modern systems.

It could be nice to include Twin Snakes or Portable Ops, but that might be asking too much given the quality of the first collection.
Volume 1 was such a disappointment, it’s hard to imagine Volume 2 being much better, even if Konami promises it’ll be perfect.
That said, I’d be happy to be proven wrong.

Unfortunately, it feels like publishers today are too comfortable putting out incomplete games, and Konami hasn’t done much in the last decade to earn our trust.