Official Larian Has Revealed Baldur's Gate 3 Patch Note 7 Details


Staff member
Some of the headlines from the upcoming updates are:

Dynamic split screen mode
Honour Mode Improvements
Baldur’s Gate 3 Modding Toolkit
Evil Endings
Party Banter Improvements


"Dynamic split screen mode is incoming! With our next update, friends will no longer be eternally confined to their side of the screen - because the power of friendship transcends all obstacles, including screen partitions."

The power of friendship transcends all obstacles 🤣🤣
Have been anticipating the evil Endings update for a while now.

it definitely needed some tweaks here and there. Glad they are addressing it
A gift that keeps giving.

Its ridiculous how they still have these tremendous updates still lined up with many more to come.

Its like Cyberpunk but without the terrible launch
Was looking forward to Panty Banter improvements.

This was one of my minor gripes with the base game as I felt there were not enough interactions between them
Having huge updates like these this far after post launch is huge.

its almost a year now and they ae still implementing user feedback