Human Within AMA


Staff member
We at eXputer are hosting an AMA with the kind devs of Human Within. If you have any questions surrounding the game, feel free to leave them below before February 18, 2024, and we will get you your answers by the end of this month!

I heard on Reddit before that half of the developers considering VR market to be in decline, but there are many other reports saying otherwise. I want to know from your side if you believe the market is really getting worse.
I haven't seen all the branching narratives myself, but I am curious how big the script was for this? And how much of content did the studio have to film in total?
Considering how big the market and consumer base is for traditional video games, why are there many studios like yours focusing on the VR/AR side? Isn't it a safer option to invest on the other side?
What was the inspiration behind gaze control? Was there ever a different mechanic that you considered before finalizing on this? I personally feel like it would be easy for someone to accidentally end up choosing a different choice at times because of this mechanic.
This is something I have always asked my friends but why aren't there any games like Hardcore Henry? It is such a cool and badass movie and I feel like it would be even more enjoyable as a VR game experience. I just wanna know if its more of an issue on the technical side with how fast-paced it would need to be or if its something else.
What were some of the books / movies / games that inspired the development of Human Within. The transfer of human conscious into digital space was also one of the central plot points of Cyberpunk 2077. So I was curious maybe that was an influence in any way.
Haven't seen many games like Human Within, but do you think this genre or style will become more prominent in the future? Would love to see more coming from different studios exploring other stories.
Do projects like Human Within have the traditional dev team setup as others? Like the whole gameplay feels so unique and different that I believe there had to be filmmakers or someone experienced in that invovled for the most part.
Human Within feels more like a long episode or movie than a game at times. Was that an intentional approach or something that came about as you tried to create the immersion?