How to prep for Destiny 2: The Final Shape DLC

Returned to the game with the recent Into the Light update,/ was hoping to ask any vet players or even casuals on how they are preparing for the Destiny 2 final shape DLC this week?
I ve managed to score some godrolls from Onslaught as much as possible but is there anything that I need to be mindful of so I can remember it before Bungie takes the game offline
Hey there! Nice to see another fellow Destiny 2 player!
In terms of prep I'd say try to complete and hoard as many bounties as you can, especially the double plus XP ones like these from the Cosmodrome

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This is mainly if ur going for Day 1 raid with ur buds or just wanting to unlock the new prismatic artifact mods asap
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Make sure u get all ur godroll brave weapons crafted from Onslaught
I recommend getting Edge Transit since its a beast grenade launcher for DPS

Here's a vid from Aztecross on the Best Brave weapons to get, I usually watch him and Datto for everything Destiny related
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Hey veteran player here
To optimally prep for the final shape DLC in Destiny 2 I suggest hoarding and saving as many bounties as you can, as already pointed out by Gypsy
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Also very important is to spend all of your legendary shards since Bungie is scrapping them. Use them to either buy Phantasmal Fragments from Eris for Glimmer safekeeping or... buy hundreds of raid banners like me lol
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If you're not going for day 1 raid of the final shape, there's really no need to prepare for anything, but I suggest any DPS meta weapons rn like the Scatter Signal, Apex Predator and Mountaintop
Also, a lot of red border seasonal weapons are dropping daily now so make sure to do the season activities at least once daily
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Make sure u get an Indebted Kindness roll before the DLC, its a headache to farm but its worth it
I may not have the godroll but its decent
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Well the game is now offline but if I had to wager, I hope you spent all your legendary shards on Phantasmal fragments so you can stock up on glimmer later in emergency