How To Get Facet of Honor in Destiny 2 The Final Shape

Only missing a few, Facet of Honor, Grace and Solitude, but for the life of me cant find this one in particular, am I missing anything??
If anyone can pinpoint the exact location of the puzzle or sumthin where this unlocks that'd be great

Sorry if I'm dumb in advance, just started playing the final shape campaign recently and done with it
The prismatic chest for the Facet of Honor is in the Divide in the Paleheart, all the way ta the top, its a bit of a stretch to walk to but you ll also first need the memory: divisive darkness by opening those roots covered chests in the different areas of the Paleheart
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The prismatic chest for the Facet of Honor is in the Divide in the Paleheart, all the way ta the top, its a bit of a stretch to walk to but you ll also first need the memory: divisive darkness by opening those roots covered chests in the different areas of the Paleheart
This is what the divisive thing should look like if u haven't known already, only then it will mark the chest on the map for u to get to and open

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All the way at the top of the map in the Divide where yo udid the Ascent mission in the campaign of TFS with Cayde and Crow
Make sure u have the impassive darkness thingy tho

Heres an explanation of how to get them particularly
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Waaay at the top of the Divide is the glowy chest for the Facet of Honor
U can get to it from the Bloom, and then following the path to the left to reach the portal that takes u to Zavalas cottage, and the just follow the lengthy path from there to the top of the frozen lands in the Divide here