Games that were way longer than you expected

Oh it has to be AC origins, mainly because I started it after AC unity and this was the time that the franchise shifted to ARPG rather than an action-adventure, stealth game. tbh I wasn't ready for it but it was good nonetheless
Hollow Knight was a pleasant surprise for me. At first, I thought it was just another indie Metroidvania, but the world kept expanding. I ended up spending a lot of time exploring every part of it.
Bloodborne was surprisingly long. I thought I’d get through it quickly, but the interconnected world, hidden areas, and DLC added so much content that it felt like a massive journey and the fact that I died like 30 times to the first enemy cuz it was my first souls game
The Witcher 3 was much bigger than I expected. I knew it was going to be large, but I had no idea there would be so much content. Every time I thought I was close to the end, another huge quest line would pop up.
i started Terraria when pewdiepie started it I thought it was just a simple 2D game, but the sheer amount of content, bosses, and biomes turned it into a massive game and I love it
It has to be Detroit: Become Human for me. I thought it was going to be a short game, but with all those different paths and endings, it turned out to be way longer than I expected. i still have it installed on my PC and whenever I get time i try out another approach
Oh it has to be AC origins, mainly because I started it after AC unity and this was the time that the franchise shifted to ARPG rather than an action-adventure, stealth game. tbh I wasn't ready for it but it was good nonetheless
fr it took me a long time to understand the games mechanics but once I was ok with them this became my favourite AC game
Death Stranding I’ve played through it twice, and both times I thought I was nearing the end, only for it to keep going for another 10 hours or so.
When I was a teen, I played Final Fantasy V, having only experienced Pokémon games up to that point. I thought that traveling around the whole world map meant I was nearing the end. How wrong I was! Haha. Good times.
Hades caught me off guard. I went in blind, expecting it to be around 20 hours, but it ended up taking me about 80.

What a fantastic surprise!
Metal Gear Solid V. I’ve only just started The Phantom Pain, but seeing list it as taking around 45 hours just for the main story is overwhelming. It’s giving me some serious commitment issues.
Factorio. I knew it would be a long playthrough, but I seriously underestimated just how much time it would take.
Dave the Diver just keeps adding new mechanics and never seems to stop. It’s a great game, but I found it hard to keep going because it got repetitive. It could have really benefited from being a bit shorter.
Originally, it was Xenoblade Chronicles 1 because I went in knowing nothing about it.

I thought it was wrapping up like five times, only for the game to go, "PSYCHE! I’m not done yet!" Haha. I loved it though.
FF16 started to feel painful after about 25 hours. After I cut that dude’s arms off, I thought we were heading into the third act, but it was just the beginning. By then, I had almost perfected my combos and Eikons, only changing things up occasionally with Leviathan to keep the combat fresh.
The Interloper elevator in Black Mesa’s Xen section felt never-ending—it seemed to drag on way longer than the rest of the game.