Games That Got Worse With Updates

Bring Fire

Rainbow Six Siege is the biggest offender of this. Such a cool concept with refined mechanics but Ubi had to mess up the one game that couldve helped them retain any leftover goodwill they had
Reinstate launch-era Warzone in Verdansk and I will play again in a heartbeat. With bells on… but not literally because the skins would look like tactical soldiers and not glowing clowns with literal bells dangling about.
Clash Royale.

I know it’s just a mobile game, but goddamn was it fun for the first 2 or 3 years of its existence. Then each update gradually made it worse and worse and added another layer of monetization. They’d also add absolutely broken and OP characters each update, only to nerf them out of existence in the next. It was so clear that they gave up on trying to make a fun and balanced game that it became simply unplayable without dumping insane amounts of money into it.
Rainbow 6 Siege

Sure the balancing & bugs were improved over first couple of years but since then they ruined most maps character by re-working them, always nerfing ops but then overly buffing shields, started introducing dumb new ops nowhere near reality, moved from realistic cosmetics to ridiculous cartoons.

If they had of stuck far closer to the realism aspect & not pushed for so many ops & cosmetics it would have far more identity.
Aces of Spades. That game was fucking amazing with its old ass graphics and models when it started. Then they got bought out and changed EVERYTHING about the game. They even made it pay to play bullshit. The only way to play classic AOS is to download a community run game called Openspades.